Sacramento, CA 95816
For more information, please call us at (916) 441-6555.
1. Prices reflect estimates only. Condition, type, availability of parts and desired results will determine the cost of repair or modification of your instrument. We reserve the right to fix and complete the repair as estimated within 20% +/- of the estimate on the written serice tag , which is why we call it an estimate, to complete the service before a call is placed to the customer. This saves us both time and money as required for our mutual success.
2. All repairs subject to cost of additional parts if needed - if costs exceed 20% of estimate, you will get a call, otherwise we just do the work and get you on the road.
3. All repair work guaranteed for 30 days except natural wear on strings, fret material, etc.
4. All repairs must be picked up within 30 days of completion or instrument will be sold for the cost of work done.
5. All prices subject to change without notice.