
Lesson Rates: September 09, 2024 we celebrated our 28th Anniversary of operation.  .  Thank you for your continued support as we move into our 29th year of operation!


$37.50 per half hour - $150 per 4 lesson month,

The 5th lesson in the month, if there is one, will be included

(A $37.50 savings if you've paid for the whole month)

We hope you will continue supporting Guitar Workshop as we strive to bring you the best in music education and repair service available anywhere.

Thank you for your support!

Dave Lynch and the teachers!

Instruction in Music

Our instructors offer a wide variety of musical styles ranging from classical, jazz, reggae and rock.  We can teach the youngest hands to the most seasoned of individuals. Instruction in music with the aid of a professional player can add a new dimension to your guitar and bass abilities!  We can help you to develop skills in every area of music.


General Knowledge:  Learn about how the instrument works, various ways of tuning and mechanics such as restringing and maintenance.  

Theory: This is the understanding of how the 12 tones in music actually work.  How notes combine into chords, how chords become families called keys, applying scales etc.

Rhythm: Learn to groove, swing, rock, bop or otherwise articulate time.  Ear Training: Teach your ears to hear things with much more accuracy.  Use your favorite music to explore the new knowledge you have about music! 

Improvisation and composition

Tuesday through Saturday, daytime and evening lessons available!

3248 J Street

Sacramento, CA 95816

916 - 441- 6555

We have four comfortable lesson studios for your learning enjoyment.

Note: we are looking for a qualified guitar and bass instructors to help us grow our student base.  Must be literate in notation, theory, improvisation, familiar with several styles like jazz, blues and classic rock and have good personal skills.

Call Dave at 916-441-6555.