Amplifier Repair -

All amplifier repair is $70 per hour, and are estimated at 2 hours labor + parts, or up to $220.00.

There is a $70 deposit applied to the service, and repairs may be less than the estimate. If the service looks like it will exceed the estimate, Larry will call you with a revised estimate and you can approve or decline from there. If declined, where replacement makes more sense than repair, he’ll just button it up and return it to you at the shop, and all it costs you is the $70 deposit.

Average turnaround time is 7 to 10 days.

From single symptom repairs to major rebuilds and restorations, Dr. Rock is your one stop shop for all your amplifier maintenance. Over twenty years experience in Sacramento handling warranty and non warranty repairs for all the major brands.

Tube amps a specialty.

Servicing all professional guitar, bass and power amps, mixers and speaker systems.

Field service available on PA, paging, and dance floor systems. 

We don’t work on home stereo gear or car audio.

Unfortunately, it makes no sense for us to work on gear that would cost more to fix than replace. This includes effects pedals, microphones, and all Line 6 products. See the manufacturer’s web site for these items.

Most budget amps, under $200 retail, also fall in this category. Sometimes they only have a broken jack and some folks just like them and want them fixed.  We can.  Just be aware that we charge by the hour.

All repairs restore equipment to original factory specs or better, using original factory parts when possible.

Most repairs cost approximately two hours labor, plus parts.  Of course, simple jobs take less time.

If I get into your job, and find expensive broken parts, or that labor will be high, I will let you know and make sure you want it fixed.

Please leave a good daytime phone number so I can contact you during business hours.

Shop minimum is one hour, which is also the charge if a repair is refused. Normal turn around time is 5 to 10 business days.

Rush service available at 50% premium over normal rates

  - Dr. Rock

Guitar Repair, Setup, Modification - Labor rate is $70.00 per hour.

For any professional, recreational or beginning player, an instrument that is not properly adjusted and regularly serviced can be frustrating and disappointing.  Even a brand new instrument may not play up to its potential due to lack of, or improper adjustment.  At Guitar Workshop, I pride myself in the ability to bring out the magic touch in your electric, bass or acoustic guitar. Bring your instrument in for a free consultation and find out how I can improve the play-ability, quality, value and enjoyment of your treasured instrument. - Dave Lynch

Products that are not repairable by Dr Rock
Please contact the manufacturer

1. Line 6
2. Blackstar
3. Berringer
4. Mackie
5. Carvin
6. All powered PA speakers
7. Any Class 4 or Class D digitlly powered amplifiers
8. Fender amps manufactured with these Trouble LEDs: The Twin, Pro, Concert

3248 J Street

Sacramento, CA 95816

916 - 441- 6555